summa them JOURNAL entries

At eight o'clock this morning, it was forty-six degrees outside, and it has been predicted to reach as high as seventy-three, by around four post meridian. Yesterday was the Ides of November; I had walked east from this office, over towards the Flint River, to get the bicycle I had left down at my favorite Waffle House; it had lain against the front of the store, without any security restraint, for almost thirty-three hours. Many casual observers of such unusual behavior, will be tempted to attribute it, to some brand of undiagnosed mental illness. As the resident wordsmith, please allow me to direct your attention to the two key concepts alluded to in my last sentence:1)What is usual behavior? & 2)Who is the tempter?
I have time to do some writing this morning, because my internet service-provider has neglected to provide that service, here at the office, for what is now the third twenty-four hour-day. Although I am already several days behind, on my communication duties, as the originator of IDES, the sole publisher for Another Time Publishing & a concerned participant in my ailing community, I have already written the text, for inclusion in my most pressing signals, so that when my electronic capabilities are restored, I can catch up in a matter of minutes. I also have proceeded, with the all important process, of registering myself/IDES, with both IRS & GA-DOL.
My new account, for employers, with the dreaded Internal Revenue Service(revenues might be quite nice, actually), was quickly obtained online, before the necessary service was inexplicably interrupted. Contact with the UI Field Tax Auditor II(an impressive title, for a very capable, and well-trained young woman, that is wasting precious time, earning a living, while performing unedifying services, for people that she will rarely have the time, necessary to get to know who they are), afforded me, through a time-consuming educational process(I was taking notes), the necessary understanding of the qualifying process, in order to correctly instruct my payroll clerks, on reporting issues & procedures. I even managed to involve the U.S. Postal Service in the sign-up routine that I chose.
One hour and forty-five minutes have expired, since I listened to the weather report, on the Weather Channel(an important tool, included in the programming bundle that MediaCom has sold to the proprietor[Mike Patel] of my motel); I've consumed an unremembered number, of both, cups of strong instant coffee & hastily-smoked, factory-rolled cigarettes(most prolific writers do this), in order to tightly focus my left-brain, on the task at hand. I've missed at least two important appointments, that I had written reminders for, in my copious notes & lists(to be found in multiple-file folders, that I often misplace); one on Monday night, and the other at ten o'clock Tuesday morning. If you would like to hear the Divinity do his/her thunderous belly-laugh, just tell him/her of your plans!
The Beatles are lamenting that NOTHING is going to CHANGE their world; my password, for my new IDES2017 e-mail account, is CHANGINGTHEWORLD(please don't abuse this 'proprietary' information). I'm going out to Office Depot, to purchase a portable projector, that is compatible with ZIRA(DELL laptop); I still need to hire a PowerPoint/AV-guy(can you recommend one?) to start getting some profitable value out of my capital investment in the equipment & software. While I'm way out there, I'll patronize that huge guitar store, that I noticed on a previous shopping spree, while waiting on my taxicab and smoking a cigarette(I need a shoulder strap, some picks & a set of replacement strings, for the guitar, that I purchased[Rock Candy DEBUTANTE by Daisy Rock] at my favorite downtown pawn shop, along with an electric piano w/songbook; I'm starting a band, called The Ides of Starch, and still must hire two chronically-out-of-work musicians[@$600/wk], to play their music, and teach it, to the youngsters in our daycare).
Yesterday, I began the 'negotiating process,' to open a new IDES Anchor Store, where the former SEARS department store, occupied a large building, complete with adequate parking space, that is currently 'owned' by the corporate parent organization, and worth an estimated $2M. I established two important contacts, at Aronov Realty Management, Inc.(currently managing the Albany Mall, and the Anchor Store(DILLARDS), which they own. Unfortunately, details concerning lease agreements, made with ARONOV, by tenants operating retail locations in the Mall, cannot be furnished to prospective leasees[?]. The current business plan, for operating a Superstore, is to enter into partnership, with many local retailers, that feel the current lack of profitabiity, that they are experiencing, is related to the quality of their current locations, and agree, that an Albany Mall location would help provide the missing buying-stimulus, and that working together, that they can afford to move their businesses there, and create needed improvements in the performance of all team-members' business efforts.
I'm going to take my PC along, on this business-related shopping trip, in hopes that I may stumble across a WiFi hotspot(probably at some fast-food emporium, that has some business savvy), so I can share this story with my network(if you are reading this, you are part of that network). Hasta luego!
finished at 10:47 Am, EST, NOV 16, 2017 AD

It's 7 PM, and I've just finished 'not-listening' to our local news broadcast(Ch3here@THM); I promptly hit "last" on my remote, & was off to Ch944/Smooth[e] Jazz(an MC[MusicChoice] sta.). We split a slab of SONNY'S baby-backs, & I made Almeda some garlic bread with the last of the softened butter; she said she didn't want to eat it; I insisted that she at least taste it while hot from the toaster; that DEMON rose up, & she got sent back to her room; she forgot to take her cigarettes, when she left, just like she forgot to bring them along, when she came to supper(I'd fetched them over on my side, when I was frantically preparing/serving the supper, that I had brought back from my hard day's work); now, she keeps knocking at the door, at the window & pounding the wall, probably to get her cigarettes; animal-trainers do not ever reward their charges for making mistakes or disobeying commands(& all punishments must be swift[connected in the primitive brain with the incorrect behavior] & severe).
Now, I shall begin my RANT. When it was still morning, & quite cool out-of-doors, I had Mike Patel, who was again out winterizing his swimming pool-planted garden, call DAMIEN(my 'dedicated' taxicab driver), to pick me up at the office. When he arrived, I told him we were going to Office Depot, out on Westover. When he drove past the Office Depot(on Westgate; my bad), I said nothing. When he turned into the Plaza at Stewart(K-Mart), I asked where he was taking me; confidently, he said Home Depot; there was a brief(& civilised) argument over the Westover/Westgate dispute, and I said, "So, this is Westgate?" His face surrendered, while his tongue kept on defending its defenseless position. When DAMIEN dropped me at the correct office supply emporium, he was instructed to be ready for my call, as there were other stops to be made, after I picked out a few things. He was paid $20 in ca$h for the FARE, & another $20 for a TIP(ToInsurePromptness). I 'picked out' $935 worth of equipment & supplies; SHANE helped me with the electronics(24" Dell flat-screen monitor & a Samsung CHROMEBOOK[$650 before tax]), and while he was getting ready to deliver the goods, I cruised the back three aisles with my shopping cart(only stopping when he came over to say he was ready to check me out[sexual innuendo?]). Before SHANE started scanning the contents of my cart, I had him phone DAMIEN for me; that call went to voice-mail; I had SHANE call the dispatch number(in much smaller print on DAMIEN's business card), & they said a taxi was on the way. SHANE then proceeded to get me out of there; no dummy, this one! The time-stamp on my receipt(I'm queer for those) says that I was already waiting for my ride at 11:49 AM. I waited for the cab HORACE HUMPHREY had dispatched, for a lot longer than I had spent inside Office Depot, selecting/purchasing all that merchandise. I had time to consolidate it all into a neat, more moveable pile, by removing the packing from my Collapsible Cart($25) & portable file box, which, when packed properly, reduced the 'carrying' to just four pieces. I had the time to smoke two cigarettes, retrieve a shopping cart that some asshole left in the parking lot & to work up some steam for whoever, finally, showed up! I had to tell fat-ass to get out of the van & hold the rear-hatch up; the first time I had attempted to load my stuff myself, I suffered head-trauma when the defective hatch-closer gave me a 'heads up!' We were heading for the Guitar Center(which I had told DAMIEN, was on Westover, across the street from Waffle House), when we left Office Depot; my trusty receipt says I was at 402 N. Westover at 12:34:17, when the ATM @Woodalls said my debit card balance was now $11,715.43; with $380 in ca$h, I stopped using my debit card, but did not stop collecting receipts; I gave DAMIEN $200(his TIP), and told him to wait in the van, & take no pick-ups from HORACE. I told DAMIEN to ask that stupid phone of his, whether we were closer to the Guitar Center, or to SWAIN Equipment, LLC? DAMIEN's phone was directing us around the corner to Phillips Music; not wanting to be sent to one of GOOGLE's customers, I asked for the distance to SWAIN's(4 mi); taking a left onto Westover, I then asked DAMIEN to stop at DOCO Credit Union, where I was directed to wait(in the rudely-designated waiting area), until the only banking officer capable of opening a DBA checking account, got finished with another customer. While waiting, and while I had a taxi waiting, I read about a LINDE(German) Air Separation Plant, to be built in ADEL(baby)/COOK CO. There was also a vertical sidebar(Economic Development AROUND THE STATE), with facts and FIGURES on 8 separate projects being highlighted; I had the same Teller, that could not process my debit card inside the bank(because their directors had decided that they shouldn't), make a copy for me, & gave her $5(which she could not accept); the ADEL article was a long one, & when I finished reading it, I left the premises, determined to put DOCO Credit Union on my S_IT List! Next, we turned left, onto Oakridge(@the fairgrounds), and proceeded to SWAIN Equipment, to try to lease the Mahindra 4565 2WD(which has been on display, @the front entrance to Albany Mall, for some time now); brand new, the purchase price is $12K(last Friday, I could have paid ca$h); I told RAY SWAIN that I would find a partner, & return to make the purchase; I also requested some written information for my steering committee(nobody showed up for that yesterday); LANCE SWAIN(Parts Mgr & owner's son) answered the question, that the secretary/screening unit could not even process for semantic content; when asked, "What is MAHINDRA," he directed my attention to a large & colorful POSTER(I ordered 3 of them), with a timeline for the INDIAN Manufacturer, that began in 1926, & featured a B&W photo of a WILLYS plant making 'jeeps' for the ALLIED WAR EFFORT(beats the FU__ out of KUBOTA!). I purchased 2 T-shirts & 1 hat w/Mahindra logo/advertising from LANCE; the debit was logged @1:20 PM; I bought a T-shirt & hat w/SWAIN Equipment logos/& etc, after beating into the secretary's thick head that their cheaper crew-paraphernalia was exactly what I wanted to purchase; she had to get RAY to price the 2 items($15 total), and I gave her $40, & said, "Keep the change, sweetheart." I took a brief smoke-break, while I discussed us having lunch next, @FIVE GUYS; while smoking, I inspected some smaller Mahindra machines, went back inside, to tell RAY to send the committee price-info on the bush hog he sells, for use with the eMax S-22 & made fat-ass get out of the van, so he could climb into the seat of the 4565; he said that the seat-platform was too high, and he couldn't reach up that high; I taught him, that like horses, you mount up on the left side; when he finally made it all the way, I said, "Too bad I don't have a phone; I could get your picture!" When I mounted up in the van, DAMIEN's goddam smart-phone was laying in my seat again; I made like I was throwing it over the fence; at just that moment, there was a loud crashing sound from the marshalling-yard next-door that I had aimed at! FatBoy was nearly in tears. Hopefully, a burger & fries will heal his emotional trauma. Receipts for ca$h @FIVE GUYS confirm that we were eating lunch at 1:57:40 PM; after I finished my burger, I told DAMIEN to stay put; that I would call him from the Guitar Center, when I got ready to ride; I never found it; all that I have to show for my walk around the block, is 5 e-mail addresses to add to my network; 2 from PeoplesSouth Bank, so they can read the updated S_IT List, that their names are now on; 1 from edible arrangements; 1 from Sergeant Joaquin Crisostomo/RSS Albany(the Marine Corps recruiter I spoke with, about opportunities for young men seeking assignment @Logistics Base[near home]) & 1 for Willis Hendley, O.D.(optometrist who was not at work @3:30 PM; see, so that I can schedule an appointment for eye exam/new prescription; there was a place, full of nice things to furnish office/home, that they sell on consignment, where getting the proprietor's e-mail address proved impossible; I finally told the mousy, young retarded female, that I would just return, to talk to her boss, after I furnish my office & my home! There was also another impossible e-mail-retrieval-scene, played out at a LINDE location, that sold(most likely billed to MEDICARE) breathing equipment for COPD 'walk-ins.' They will attempt to use snail-mail to inform me of the contact info requested, for an ARTICLE ATP wants to publish, about Air Separation, and its high energy-cost; their IT network is strictly offline, and e-mail communication therefore impossible(even the consignment-retard suggested FaceBook)! So, you see,... I had myself quite a day; not so fast... on the way home, I had DAMIEN pull over at GOODWILL; I bought 10 red, imprinted T-shirts, that we can resell as used(cheap!), and 7 more, for personal/business use, for a whopping $42! That's an average $2.50/shirt; most were a lot cheaper than that; $5 bright red shirts on hangers, w/messages selected by BAAS, to decorate our storefront with! Their donated shirts create jobs; our marked-up resales create HOPE!
I'm now listening to NFL's NBC-broadcast mid-week contest; my guy is pitching his woo; this former DUCK has what Winston(FSU) thought he had; both these college drop-outs probably made really bad career moves; I think Mariota reads the D-fence better than anyone, & he ain't afraid to run with the football! I'm still working offline(now the fourth day), and it turns out that it is ATT's service which has failed us; MediaCom will be out here early in the morning, adding the necessary wiring, to connect the ATT modem, to the cable-provider's entry console; HOORAY!! It's 11:00 now, and since DUCKman is losing, I'm gonna switch to FOX NEWS on Ch4; putting ZIRA(Dell PC) to sleep now.


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