As the month of September waned, the writer formerly known as UNDERDAWG, or "U," wrote a long letter to ALWAYS. He'd taken care not to reveal too much of himself, but to indicate to any snoop reading the letter that what had not been said indeed posed a threat to the Prosecutor's team. As the weeks crept on by, DC(this writer) became increasingly aware of his own confusion; was he repeating himself like some senile old codger?

This letter spelled out, to his 'former inmate-correspondent,' the facts and probable significance of the 'recent(SEP 16)' visit by Deputy Cruz; another account of this propitious contact with the 'authorities' was carefully reconstructed in the pages of this journal. Writing this third fictional account of the author's meeting just underscores the confusion-factor's encroachment; an element of this story fostered by advanced age, isolation from the 'normality' in the free world and this author's intense psychological desire to 'see' the end of his incarceration growing near.

 On SEP 6, after the installation of two touchscreen digital devices(along the east-facing wall, just beyond the red zone), each inmate was issued(on a sheet printed by the facility's printer network) his/her Personal Identification Number. While a crush of inmates ensued, each wishing to use that PIN to activate those mysterious KIOSKS, DC/author, upon examining the printed sheet, learned how many inmates were 'housed' in facility on this first day of access to the 21st Century system. In tiny subscript, printed in the 'margin'at the bottom of the 8X11 sheet, was the telling

 information:Number 600 of 788 - the larger figure probably just north of seventy percent occupancy - the 'round' number becoming your author's new screen-name.

This unexpected visit, coming on the tenth day after the somewhat tentative launch of a digitized communications link, from 'Pre-trial Services,' after 561 days of inaction, was characterized by far too many pointed questions mixed with little that might be either presentation of fact or answers for any of my questions. While I was pretty sure that she was not the one, I did attempt to determine how I might keep in contact with 'the service.' I was instructed to rely on those kiosks.

Extremely suspicious of the administrator's efforts 'in my behalf,' after reviewing my journal account of that meeting, I began a cautious[recording verbatim all my kiosk 'entries'] exploration of that 'avenue.' Like my letter to Sam Wright, my inquiries/grievances were written to 'reveal' only strengths of the defense I 'intend' to mount in my case, which carry the largest factors of intimidation, with little to aid the prosecution's counter-attack. All comm's by inmate #61635(hashtag moi) have vanished into a black hole; one, each seventh day, for three weeks. As of OCT 7, when the Law Library function was finally activated, every swatch of temporally-spaced text-input had been meticulously removed from 'folders' I have access to; there was no acknowledgement of their receipt, nor answers to queries, helpful info or additional instructions. The necessary removal process infers, that in addition to a user log, there now exists a folder holding all the carefully removed text.

On the seventh, I requested some 'general' legal information, pertaining to Federal protections for Social Security retirement benefits, paid by the US Treasury, from this newly-accessible Law Library. With this new information, what I had said 'in confidence' to Sam about all this in my letter and with their folder rapidly filling with text, THEY now have quite a bit to 'chew on!'

THIS  WAS  THE  LAST  CHAPTER  I  EVER  WROTE  THAT  WAS  PART  OF  THE  MYSTERY/FICTION  TO  BE  ENTITLED  POD PEOPLE   -   several entries/ARTICLES added to my journal later, were suggested as replacements for several of these last few 'confused' CHAPTERS   -   It was also after I stopped adding any more CHAPTERS, that I wrote my INTRODUCTION and PROLOGUE; what follows here was also written long after the 'BOOK' had 'ended'   -   It is a COMEDIC GLOSSARY, and the terms included are in chronologically-reversed order.

WANED:refers to the last half of the lunar month when the moon 'grows' a bit smaller every night

PROPITIOUS:beneficial; warding off pity

KIOSK:a Russian word for a small, free-standing stall, in the middle of the market[place]

VERBATIM:a Latin word(hence the use of Italics) meaning 'word-for-word;' repeated(or transcribed) exactly or correctly

MOI: a French word for ME

MEDIUM:print is the medium used to transmit Pod People's text; agar agar is the medium used to grow a 'culture' of bacteria in a petri dish

FASCIST:from a Latin word for an ax, whose handle has been strengthened by wrapping smaller, flexible sticks in a tight bundle around it(look on the backside of a Franklin dime)

OSTENSIBLY:for the reason given(implying that there are probably other, less noble motivations)

PATRIOT:a fascist

HOUSEMAN:'trusty;' inmate allowed to help solve the jailhouse's labor shortage; 'runarounds' dressed in orange jumpsuits are rewarded by getting two days credit for every day they work, taken off of the sentence they must serve

MAY-MAY:when correctly enunciated by a 'honky,' sounds like main-man

PARACLETE:the Greek word for Holy Ghost

EPIGNOSIS:a Greek word for a special kind of knowledge(gnosis); the kind of knowledge directly related to things of the spirit

PENITANT:a word for a person who is actively working to reverse the effect of his/her own sin

CORPOREAL:having a body(as opposed to being a spirit)

TRINITY:a confusing idea; belief that the man(Jesus), his father and his spirit are the same thing[?]

ms/mss:commonly used abbreviations for the word[s] manuscript[s]

ARTIFACT:(as in Archaeology) object that can be examined, in order to better understand the individual[s] that made it

PROFILE:authorization(& white wristband so designated) from the medical section(obtained at a cost of $5 to the inmate's account) for special treatment(i.e.:double portions on food trays; bottom bunk only; possession of a side-chair; no prolonged standing; etc.)

SIMILE:is like a metaphor, but uses the wording "is like" to connect two un-like objects(generally to better elucidate arcana; you may need your dictionary to better read/understand this glossary)

LONG CALENDAR:like the mystifying Mayan calendar that predicted the end of time(2013 A.D.) to the ancient Americans(southern Mexico & Central America)

SCRIVENER:a pale, bespectacled, nerdy-looking clerk, confined to his dreary indoor desktop for long hours of recording the minutiae of his Master's business

O.G.:alternatively, the 'street name' of my new bunkmate(which I found out, from a reliable informant, some weeks after my new bunkmate got himself 'rolled up' for fighting, stands for original gangster), and signature of the 'Opera Ghost'

RAMADAN:a Holy month in the Muslim's lunar calendar, during which the faithful fast from sunrise to sunset; during Ramadan, declaratory inmates receive their dinner trays after dark

SHARIA LAW:Muslim functional equivalent of Napoleonic Code

TWELFTH IMAM:functional equivalent of the plains Indian's red buffalo

KORAN or QURAN:the prophet Mohammed's record of his inspired vision; unlike the Book of Mormon, this Quran took many years to be correctly recorded in Arabic

CALIPHATE:a hot-button word that red-fags your posted or e-mailed text for some special attention by Homeland Security analysts; a word that means a sharia law-bound theocracy that Iran and Saudi Arabia are not

DEPRESSIVE PHASE:when bi-polar's tend to stay home and when mentally 'healthy' Americans bow down in obeisance to their god called Apathy(their other god is called Ignorance)

TROPIC of CANCER:imaginary line or boundary encircling the earth, at a point in the northern hemisphere where 'tropical' weather conditions are 'replaced' by the more 'seasonal' conditions further north, 'whose' position is determined by the angle of the tilt to the axis, about which the earth spins or rotates(a similar line in the southern hemisphere, where seasons are reversed, is called the Tropic of Capricorn)

MONEY LAUNDERING:income from illicit activities or in excess of the amount claimed by either an individual, or a business on their filed taxes, that must be laundered by depositing it into a bank account, where it will then be taxed for the first time, or taxed at a drastically reduced rate

EROTICA:sexually stimulating objects or images; as used here, I mean looking at a juicy burger on TV can give you a 'boner;' food porn[ography]

METAPHOR:as opposed to simile, and specific to CHAPTER XIII, where I 'liken' the concept of a 'filter,' to an inmate a couple of bunks down from me, but I don't say he is like a filter, I call him a filter; he, and his interruption become my filter in this instance

TEMPLE:a Philadelphia university, where a young freshman named BILL COSBY, first discovered 'Spanish fly'

CHAR:accepted jargon for imaginary/virtual characters among 'gamers'

PRO SE:a Latin phrase with a 'defined' legal meaning; a declaration by the Superior Court Judge, that the defendant in a matter he presides over, is qualified to represent himself to the Court and mount a defense in the matter

FEDERAL GRANT:monies(funds) legislated for specific purposes, that need not be repaid to the US Treasury; public funds

5150:police radio code for:"Be advised:suspect is exhibiting signs of mental illness."

ADMINISTRATIVE JURISPRUDENCE:refers to cases that will be tried before an administrative law judge(example:employees 'suing' for a fair election, to obtain union representation, at NLRB); the trial record, along with this judges disposition become Administrative Law

COGNOSCENTI:an Italian word, from Latin and Greek 'root' words, for those who have been 'initiated' into the closely-held secrets

OIG:'alphabet soup' for Office of the Inspectors General; highly specialized attorneys and accountants tasked with investigating and prosecuting program fraud under RICO statutes; each large 'Administrative' Agency(Department of Labor, IRS, etc.) has its own 'in house' department designated OIG

ETHNOGRAPHY:a detailed explanation for all the unique cultural aspects of any distinct(usually genetically related) group or tribe

ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT:whatever happened to this dynamic group of musicians(&that turned a ballad about a homeless man, named Mr. Wendall, into a GRAMMY)?

RED ZONE:where the floor has been painted red to warn inmates that they cannot 'enter' without consequences

STATISTICAL MANUAL:refers to the DSM-IV, which is the 'bible' describing 'legalistically,' all the many mental disorders, that a psychiatrist can diagnose their patients with

WRIGHTSVILLE:a sleepy little Georgia town, just north of Dublin, and a short drive from Athens(east of Atlanta) where HERSHALL WALKER attended the University of Georgia

SAVANT:someone whose autism produces symptoms characterized by uncanny abilities to calculate 'mentally,' sums(or other 'results') and such, that 'normal' thinkers need more time and perhaps pages of 'scratch paper' to arrive at; exhibiting apparent genius, while also considered to be somehow 'handicapped' mentally

HEARING VOICES:a phrase, which if 'searched' on Google(like the phrase:lucid dreaming), will produce some surprising results

WAVE CAP:that ubiquitous durag, that looks like silk and hangs down in the back(to prevent redneck-edness in black folk), and has all but replaced the need to pull a ladies' stocking down over that too-long nappy hair

MICROCOSM:small or miniature world or universe(as opposed to macrocosm); from cosmos

UNIVERSALIST:refers to a Christian belief that souls will eventually be saved, as opposed to any belief in an eternal damnation

VIGNETTE:tiny or very short story, movie or play

RED HERRING:clue left behind by a criminal, or invented by a mystery writer, to intentionally misdirect the police detectives(sleuths) or the readers trying to guess the ending

MASTERCLASS:when aspiring actors have a famously acclaimed actor for their instructor

NON-SEQUITUR:something said that does not/should not logically follow from whatever has been said before

ILLITERATE:literacy, like a milking stool, 'stands' on three legs:the ability to read(first grade), the ability to write(second grade) and comprehending whatever one has read(most important of the three; continual improvement comes from practicing the first two)

DCJF:Dougherty County Jail Facility; Google 1302 Evelyn Avenue, Albany, GA, 31705

HALDOL:a very strong anti-psychotic drug administered to schizophrenics which has some pronounced side-effects:the tongue swells enough to render most speech unintelligible

D-315:designation for the 252/sq.ft. cell I would share with Jake the Whip for six months; D= D-Block(of four 'radiating' groupings of forty-eight cells)3= Pod 300, and 15= the fifteenth cell(twelve cells to the left on the ground floor, as you enter; then the third, on the right, counting from the far end of the Pod)

DESERT FATHERS:there are believed to be four of these Second Century(JAN, 101 A.D.-DEC, 200 A.D.)  monastics, whose Coptic manuscripts[mss] represent the earliest known[extant] documentation(earlier even than the oldest versions of our New Testament Gospels) from the beginning of an 'organized' Christian 'church'


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