At the top of this brown bag, useful for writing paper when there was nothing else available, across a flap folded down about an inch, appears what looks like some kind of outline, with numbered points:
1) a 'statement' about the QUALITY of the contrasted experiences
2) SCIENCE is a sterile approach to evaluating thought-experience
3) the 'mask' is the reason for the Black & White quality of Dorothy's Kansas 'life' which moves on to 'unmasked' delirium
4) MIND is both 'spiritual' & shared
JUL 16 - A young Judy Garland recorded a version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" during the production of a spectacular feature film based on one of Baum's books; it's about a place... a special place where we all would very much like to go; the word "Somewhere" implies that there is no map to guide us; no one set of instructions for how to get there. - Those opening scenes, where we first meet all the main characters are set in Kansas; this place seems harsh... certainly no paradise; clearly it is the warmth of the relationships with the adults around her, that make Kansas 'home' for Dorothy. - These scenes, and the ones at the end that are also set in Kansas, are shot with Black & White film stock. What do you suppose was the film-maker's message, when the viewers experience the abruptness of a switch to the color film-medium for all the scenes set in the Land of Oz?
Science, for what it is worth, can explain the why and the wherefore of a human brain's function; can describe chemical changes taking place on a molecular level; can measure electrical impulses and map their pathways. Neurologists administer tests[draw a clock] to ferret out anomalies and locate lesions[dead brain cells]. Psychiatrists try to eliminate pathological behavior by 1) positively reinforcing those preferred[normal?] behaviors and supplying the negative[punitive] result, when pathological behavior persists, or 2) administering powerful psychoactive drugs. None of these experts can explain how we create a MEMORY; can't delineate the 'mental process' when we make a DECISION!
We must constantly tell ourselves who/what we are; we must constantly defend that IMAGE against anything that threatens to expose the errors in that self-appraisal. Our idea of G_d also must be defended whenever threatened. Once TRANSFORMED, we no longer feel the need to hide behind a false image/mask. In order to be changed over, we must KNOW G_d is not that 'thing' we have been defending.
This spiritual component of our being... my MIND/SOUL is not 'individualized.' It is no different from the MIND of another; cannot be separated from the rest of the intelligence that exists. It is like unto the graph paper, on which we may plot the points that describe a curve. The arbitrary grid 'defines' the place where we draw the figure. The SPIRIT is like a necessary substrate, that defines all the places and all the times in which the matter that is the world can exist.
The MIND is trying to comprehend the created world[note I did not say its created world]; peers out into it through all[men's] eyes. The brain[an organ not to be confused with the MIND] perceives this 'observer,' and confuses it[MIND] with SELF[created in CNS]. When this MIND - observer - INTELLIGENCE is fully experienced, without the intrusion of SELF - mask - EGO, you will have for yourself that orgasmic 'religious' ecstasy experience the sages of all time have been raving about - a direct experience of G_d the peyote-eaters report - sensory deprivation-chambers quickly induce hallucinations - a whirling dervish deconstructs EGO with a dance step - Dorothy, knocked unconscious by flying debris, probably regained consciousness in a relatively short period of time; while 'out,' she had her experience in the Land of Oz.
The 'ZAMMster' would say the vibrant colors displayed in the 'dreamed up' Oz were the film-maker's 'nod' to the qualitative difference between the two different kinds of experience portrayed in The Wizard[Google ZAMM & MOQ]. It is the time/energy spent/wasted maintaining EGO that drains the all the color out of our dreary lives. There is more to 'the abundant life' than the totally un-threatening 'humdrum' that EGO allows us to see in it. Tim McGraw sings of 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu like any other technicolor experience; if we could live like we are DYING, and find the QUALITY that is hidden from us by the MASK we wear, we would first need to re-define our word-concept LIFE; need to admit that DEATH, the way that we have defined it, is a LIE; begin to find out WHO/WHAT we are through the experiences rushing headlong at us, that we refuse to say, "No!" to... "That's not for me."
If the Greeks, in the first century, saw fit to add a new 'testament' to the Bible, why shouldn't we contemplate our own high-tech 'update' to the knowledge of the ancients[that has endured despite the nay-sayers and the cries of, "Heresy!"]? The Renaissance saw a renewed interest in the Greek philosophers; re-adopting their pantheistic myths, explaining how things came to be as they are, could not be as destructive as the 'Christian' replacement-myths have proven to be; why hell,... Douglas Adams could do a better job!
On the reverse side of the flattened-out sack, is another, un-numbered list, of what appear to be OUTLINE notations/entries; in other panels are some spurious notations on unrelated subjects; I'm including what makes some sense here:
- studying CHEM/ELEC?
1) a 'statement' about the QUALITY of the contrasted experiences
2) SCIENCE is a sterile approach to evaluating thought-experience
3) the 'mask' is the reason for the Black & White quality of Dorothy's Kansas 'life' which moves on to 'unmasked' delirium
4) MIND is both 'spiritual' & shared
JUL 16 - A young Judy Garland recorded a version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" during the production of a spectacular feature film based on one of Baum's books; it's about a place... a special place where we all would very much like to go; the word "Somewhere" implies that there is no map to guide us; no one set of instructions for how to get there. - Those opening scenes, where we first meet all the main characters are set in Kansas; this place seems harsh... certainly no paradise; clearly it is the warmth of the relationships with the adults around her, that make Kansas 'home' for Dorothy. - These scenes, and the ones at the end that are also set in Kansas, are shot with Black & White film stock. What do you suppose was the film-maker's message, when the viewers experience the abruptness of a switch to the color film-medium for all the scenes set in the Land of Oz?
Science, for what it is worth, can explain the why and the wherefore of a human brain's function; can describe chemical changes taking place on a molecular level; can measure electrical impulses and map their pathways. Neurologists administer tests[draw a clock] to ferret out anomalies and locate lesions[dead brain cells]. Psychiatrists try to eliminate pathological behavior by 1) positively reinforcing those preferred[normal?] behaviors and supplying the negative[punitive] result, when pathological behavior persists, or 2) administering powerful psychoactive drugs. None of these experts can explain how we create a MEMORY; can't delineate the 'mental process' when we make a DECISION!
We must constantly tell ourselves who/what we are; we must constantly defend that IMAGE against anything that threatens to expose the errors in that self-appraisal. Our idea of G_d also must be defended whenever threatened. Once TRANSFORMED, we no longer feel the need to hide behind a false image/mask. In order to be changed over, we must KNOW G_d is not that 'thing' we have been defending.
This spiritual component of our being... my MIND/SOUL is not 'individualized.' It is no different from the MIND of another; cannot be separated from the rest of the intelligence that exists. It is like unto the graph paper, on which we may plot the points that describe a curve. The arbitrary grid 'defines' the place where we draw the figure. The SPIRIT is like a necessary substrate, that defines all the places and all the times in which the matter that is the world can exist.
The MIND is trying to comprehend the created world[note I did not say its created world]; peers out into it through all[men's] eyes. The brain[an organ not to be confused with the MIND] perceives this 'observer,' and confuses it[MIND] with SELF[created in CNS]. When this MIND - observer - INTELLIGENCE is fully experienced, without the intrusion of SELF - mask - EGO, you will have for yourself that orgasmic 'religious' ecstasy experience the sages of all time have been raving about - a direct experience of G_d the peyote-eaters report - sensory deprivation-chambers quickly induce hallucinations - a whirling dervish deconstructs EGO with a dance step - Dorothy, knocked unconscious by flying debris, probably regained consciousness in a relatively short period of time; while 'out,' she had her experience in the Land of Oz.
The 'ZAMMster' would say the vibrant colors displayed in the 'dreamed up' Oz were the film-maker's 'nod' to the qualitative difference between the two different kinds of experience portrayed in The Wizard[Google ZAMM & MOQ]. It is the time/energy spent/wasted maintaining EGO that drains the all the color out of our dreary lives. There is more to 'the abundant life' than the totally un-threatening 'humdrum' that EGO allows us to see in it. Tim McGraw sings of 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fu Manchu like any other technicolor experience; if we could live like we are DYING, and find the QUALITY that is hidden from us by the MASK we wear, we would first need to re-define our word-concept LIFE; need to admit that DEATH, the way that we have defined it, is a LIE; begin to find out WHO/WHAT we are through the experiences rushing headlong at us, that we refuse to say, "No!" to... "That's not for me."
If the Greeks, in the first century, saw fit to add a new 'testament' to the Bible, why shouldn't we contemplate our own high-tech 'update' to the knowledge of the ancients[that has endured despite the nay-sayers and the cries of, "Heresy!"]? The Renaissance saw a renewed interest in the Greek philosophers; re-adopting their pantheistic myths, explaining how things came to be as they are, could not be as destructive as the 'Christian' replacement-myths have proven to be; why hell,... Douglas Adams could do a better job!
On the reverse side of the flattened-out sack, is another, un-numbered list, of what appear to be OUTLINE notations/entries; in other panels are some spurious notations on unrelated subjects; I'm including what makes some sense here:
- studying CHEM/ELEC?
*protect SELF and G_d
MIND/INTELLIGENCE a function of Space/Time - substrate - ecstatic experience
- DEATH a LIE[again observe]
*need new names for discounted history
- identify elite's 'coded' literature
- Scientific observation of natural Spirit-interface[?]
- Pendulum reaction to Industrial Revolution was a turning back to SPIRIT
G_d is on our side of the Oz-in color "suspension of dis-belief"[find out what works]
- All 'writers' vs. Gospel writers
- Spirit World:
"Danger Will Robinson!"
a quotation from a book that I was reading at this time:
"[An] extreme weariness of emotions, the vanity of effort, the yearning for rest[?]. Those striving with unreasonable forces know it well - the shipwrecked castaways in boats, wanderers lost in a desert, men battling against the unthinking might of nature, or the stupid brutality of crowds."
another similar quotation in another separate panel:
I came to "[a] place where you unstrap all of your fastenings to the earth, to what you are and what you have been, where you flame out on the edge of the spheres, and the sun and moon become eclipsed and the world below is as dead and remote and without interest as if it were glazed with ice." - heavily into the psychiatric definitions of singularity and eccentricity
" ...the collective [nodding] of a group practiced in pre-emptive validation."
a note on "FANG-stocks"
Amazon stock at a P/E of 182; Netflix at 197
average P/E for NSDQ-listed issues is at 56
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